星期五, 1月 15, 2010




A.     特徵(symptoms): [1]

1)       在「應該」(the ought)的暴君式統治之下。

2)       「壓低自我的價值」(self-depreciation)

3)       「憂慮」(anxiety)

4)       「律法主義」(legalism)

5)       「忿怒」(anger)

6)       「否認」(denial)


B.      可能引起的問題:

1)       Dysthymic disorder:[2] 無能感(feelings of inadequacy)、消極(pessimism)、自憐(self-pity)、經常熱淚盈眶(frequent tearfulness)


C.  解決方法:

1)       經驗神的恩典

2)       治癒以往的傷痕


D.     來源:

1)       父母的要求太高;

2)       角色要求過程: Role-sending in church: [3]

不良的: 害怕, 虛偽, 律法主義

正確的: 整全生命(wholeness), 健康性 (healthiness), 更大的自由。

[1] David A. Seamands, "Perfectionism: Fraught without Fruits or Self-destruction," Christianity Today.  1981 25(7), pp.489-491.

[2] This is mild depressive symptoms most of the time for more than two years. Richard P. Walters, Counseling for Problems of Self-Control. Vol. 11 of Resources for Christian Counseling. Gary R. Collins. gen. ed. (Dallas: Word, 1987), p.152.

[3] Louise and Charles R. Ridley, "Role-Sending," Journal of Psychology and Theology. 1988 16(4), pp.332-339.

