星期四, 4月 28, 2011



Logical Conjunctions




Latin[1] /// Italian

French /// Turkish





καί, δέ, and μηδέ





Connective[3]; Copulative


and[4] (from German und)

καί, δέ

et[5] (from te;[1] and);

Et ; et…et (both…and) /// ve (and), bir de (and also)

Y / e; y...y (both…and);

Und (and) /// och (and), både…och (both…and)[2]

Contrastive [6] (adversative)

but, rather, yet, though, however

λλά, πλήν, //

καί /δέ (if indicated by context),

sed[7] (from de; but) /// ma, però but[3]

tuttavia yet

anzi, piuttosto on the contrary, rather


Mais (but) ///

ama, fakat, ancak, yalnız (but)


Pero; sino[8] (but)

Aber, allein, doch, jedoch, hingegen, trotzdem, vielmeher, nicht…sondern ///  men (but)

Disjunctive [9] alternative



aut (or); neque (nor)

Ou /// ya da, yoksa (or), ya…ya (da)


O; o…o (either…or)

Oder (or) /// eller (or),antingen …eller (either…or), varken…eller (neither…nor)


certainly, indeed

γε, δή, μενονγε, μέντοι, ναί, and νή (& λλά / ou mh /ον)


/// bile 'even', 'already'




For, you see, that it , namely

γάρ, δέ, ε(after verbs of emotion), and καί.

///cioè, infatti indeed, really






ρα, γάρ, διό, διότι, ον, πλήν, τοιγαρον, τοινν, and στε


 /// demek (ki) 'that means', 'so'




now, then

δέ, ον (narrative)


maintenant que, alors (or, now) [12]



II. Adverbial Conjunctions







because[13], since

γάρ, διότι, πεί, πειδή, πειδήπερ, καθώς, τι, ς

quia, quod (because), quare (why), cum (since); nam (for) ///

perché (because),

Car (for[14] - because) parce que (because) ///

çünkü (because)

como 'since'

porque 'because'

puesto que 'because', 'since' ; pues 'so'

ya que 'because', 'since' /// por (because)

porque  because

(cf. por que  why)

Denn (for, because);

nämlich (for, as) /// därför att (because)

Comparative (manner)

as, just as, in the same way, thus, or in this manner

καθάπερ, καθώς, οτως, ς, σαύτως, σεί, and σπερ

ut [4](from w(~te; as), quasi (just as), ac sī (as if) ///

che (than)






εand άν

(if), nisi (unless), ac sī (as if) ///

Se (if)+subju,

Si; même si; quand même (if; even if);

pourvu que/à condition que provided that

supposé que assuming that

à moins que+ne unless

a condicion de que 'on condition that'

a menos que 'unless'

a no ser que 'unless'

a pesar de que 'in spite of the fact that'; como 'if'

con tal (de) que;'provided that' ;si 'if' ;

siempre que 'provided that'; en caso de que (in case)[5]

Wenn (if), falls (in case), sofern (in so far as), soweit / soviel (as far as), under der Bedignung / dass (on the condition that), angenommen/dass, anstatt dass (supposing that). /// om (if)

Local (sphere)

where, from where, or the place which


που, and ο





Purpose, final

in order that

να, πως,

(the negative purpose) - μήπως, μήπου, μήποτε

ut (in order that),

nē (that not, lest) ///

perché (so that), + subjunc. perché, affinché so that, in order to


para que; a fin de que 'in order that'

de manera / modo / forma

 que 'so that'

Dass (that), damit (so that), auf dass (that), um...zn (in order that)

Result / consecutive /


That, so that, with the result that

στε, ς, τι, and less frequently, να

ut (so that) ///

dunque, quindi, perciò, allora therefore, so, then[6] che (that)

afin que; pour que (in order that, so that);

trop/assez+adjective+ pour que too+adjective+to

de peur que+ne/de crainte que+ne for fear that, so thatnot

éviter que+ne sans que to avoid (something happening) without

conque 'so that'

de manera/modo/forma que 'so that'

so…dass(that); so dass (with the result that, so that)[7]



Not in Wallace

etsi, quamquam, quamvis, licet (although) /// +subjunc.

anche se even if

benché although

neanche se not even if nonostante despite

sebbene even though


bien que /quoique /malgré ue/ encore que although, even though

qui que whoever

quoi que whatever

quel que (usually with être) whatever

où que wherever

aunque 'although'

aun cuando 'although', 'even though' ///

conquanto even though

Zwar…aber (admittedly); doch (after all); trotzdem (even though)


Translation varies

depending on the conjunction used.

E.g. When[15] (from German: Wenn)

χρι, ως, ταν, τε, , ποτέ, ς,

(negative temporal) - οδέποτε, οκέτι, οπω

ubi (=From o(/qi [16]; when)[17], cum (= kai\ o(\n kata\ xro/non;when)[18],

postquam (after that), antequam (before that), priusquam (before that), donec (until), dum (while) /// Quando, mentre, appena (when, as soon as), prima che (before) +subju


avant que (+ne) before

en attendant que while

jusqu ce que until

depuis que (since); ///

önce 'first', sonra 'then', daha sonra 'later', ondan/bundan sonra 'then', onun/bunun üzerine 'upon this/that', derken 'just then'

antes de que 'before'

despues de que 'after'

desde que 'since'

cuando 'when'

apenas 'scarcely'

en cuanto; tan pronto como; leugo que 'as soon as'

hasta que 'until'

mientras 'while'

siempre que 'whenever'

///antes de (before, until); depois de (after)

Bevor; ehe (before);

Seit; seitdem(since);

Wenn (when, whenever);


Da, darauf, eher, endlich, indessen;


/// medan (while)

förrän innan (before), sedan (after)

III. Substantival Conjunctions








να, τι, πως, and ς








να and τι


























Turkish conjunctions has different functions not used in Greek conjunctions.  (see Turkish comprehensive grammar 440 (465/535))) - 28.3.10 ORGANIZATIONAL; 28.3.11 CORROBORATIVE; 28.3.12 REMINDING; 28.3.13 CONSTRUCTIVE

[1] tev - enclitic particle (in the NT never elided to . In Matthew three times, in Luke's gosp. nine times, in John's gospel three times. 1. Used alone, mng. and, tev connects. 2. te; tev as — so , not only — but also connects sentences and parts of sentences that are closely related to each other. 3. with the same meaning te;kaiv ( Jos. , Bell. 2, 142, Ant. 1, 9) and te; kaiv.

[3] Contrastive Conjunctions, from Modern Italian Grammar, p.94.

[4] From An Etymological Dictionary Of The Latin_Greek_influence_on_Latin, p523. (525/558). Ut, as, like as, according as. For uti, and this for ute, from w(~|te  i.e. pro/pw|. Or from w(~te which Donnegan states is Doric for w(~ste. The aspirate is dropt, as in ''Elkov; and W changed to ŭt,...

[6] Conjunctions of sequence or consequence, from Modern Italian Grammar, p.95.

[7] Konseckutive: Coordinationg conjunctions: Also (well), darum (for it, so); daher, demnach, deshalb, dewswegen, folglich, infolgedessen.

[2] expresses a final addition or point of focus

[3] (adjunctive) connects an additional element to a discussion or adds an addional idea to the train of thought.

[4] http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/and Origin: before 900; Middle English; Old English and, ond; cognate with Old Saxon, Old High German ant, Old Frisian, Gothic and, Icelandic and-; akin to German und, Dutch en, Sanskrit anti

[5] From An Etymological Dictionary Of The Latin_Greek_influence_on_Latin, p139. (151/558). Et and, also.' Transposed from te. Or from e)/ti, e)/t' ,yet further. // Et, even. This sense comes from that of Also. Cicero:"Quam salutares non modo hominum, sed etiam pecudum generi." This sense agrees well with e)/ti,, yet further, still more. From A Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature - F.W. Gingrich, F.W. Danker  e[ti adverb. yet, still. te enclitic particle (in the NT never elided to .) 1. Used alone, mng. and, tev connects, 2. te;tev as — so , not only — but also connects sentences and parts of sentences that are closely related to each other.

[6] a contrast or opposing thought to the idea to which it is connected

[7] From An Etymological Dictionary Of The Latin_Greek_influence_on_Latin, p425. (429/558). Sed, Set, but. Scaliger: "For se, apart from, diversely, and et. Thus, 'Tu curris, sed ego sedeo' is: You run, and I, differently from you, sit." Or from de\, transp. e)d, whence sed, as from Ei) is Sei, Si. Al. from sēd-eo, for se-eo, i. e., seorsim-eo, as in Seditio. Jamiesou refers to Suio-Gothic saet, satt, truly; as the Latin Verum is used for But.

[8] Modern Spanish Grammar, p.142.  Spanish distinguishes between pero, which corresponds to most functions of English 'but', and sino, which marks a mutually exclusive contrast. No . . . sino . . . 'not . . .but . . .' is described in 15.4

[9] (Alternative) alternative possibility

[10] or1 - Origin: 1150–1200; Middle English, orig. the second, unstressed member of correlative other … or,  earlier other … other, Old English āther … oththe, ā-hwæther … oththe,  for oththe … oththe  either … or; compare ay1 , whether

or2/ɔr/ –preposition, conjunction Chiefly Irish, Scot., and English . before; ere.

Origin: before 950; Middle English, Old English ār  soon, early; cognate with Old Norse ār, Gothic air  early; compare Old English ǣr  soon, before, ere

[11] intensifying the normal sense of a conjunction.

[12] Hawkins, Towell - French Grammar And Usage 2Nd Ed, p.383. ' now' in English can function as a coordinating conjunction (as above) , a subordinating conjunction of time, and a time adverb. The subordinating conjunction of time function is fulfilled in French by maintenant que (see 17.3.1). The time adverb function is translated in French by maintenant (or alors if ' now' refers to an event in the past ) :

Jean est maintenant marié = Jean is now married ; Jean était alors marié = Jean was now (= then) married

[13] http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/because Origin: 1275–1325; Middle English bi cause by cause // because c.1300, bi cause  "by cause," modeled on Fr. par cause . Originally a phrase, often followed by a subordinate clause introduced by that  or why . One word from c.1400.

[14] http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/for for - Origin: before 900; Middle English, Old English; cognate with Old Saxon for;  akin to fore1 , Latin per  through, Greek pró  before, ahead

[15] http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/when Origin: before 1000; Middle English when ( ne ), Old English hwenne;  cognate with German wann when, wenn if, when (compare Gothic hwan when, how); akin to who, what

[16] From Liddell-Scott-Jones 7Th Ed Intermediate Greek Lexicon. ὅθῐ, relat. Adv., answering to demonstr. τόθι and interr. πόθι, poët. for οὗ, Latin ubi,where, Hom., Trag.

[17] From An Etymological Dictionary Of The Latin_Greek_influence_on_Latin, p497. (499/558). Ubi, where. From o(/qi, AEol. o(/fi, whence uphi, as o(/ti, Uti; and ubi, as a)/mfw, am Bo. Compare Uber. Or, as fi was a formative as well as qi, ubi might come at once from a word o(/fi. Al. from w~(|, w(/i+, ui, whence ubi, as B is added in Bibo for Bio. Al. from ; o(/pou.

[18] Cum, when. For quum, quom. That is, Secundum or In quom diem. Somewhat as o(/te is for w/~|(te. i.e. xro/nw. Al. from kai\ o(\n, i.e. kai\ o(\n kata\ xro/non. See Tum.

[19] introducing a clause that completes the idea of a noun or adjective.
