傳道書(Qoheleth) has showed that searching for the perfect retaliation order in this cursed world is a vain attempt, and is not confirmed by our experience. The tension between futile life and unknowability of God (source of man's meaning) is unsolvable by any man's wisdom or effort. On the contrary, this limit imposed by God and the God-given joy and wealth are the evidences of God's supremacy. Hence, men should be fearful of the Lord "and keep his commandments" (Qoh 12:13), without trying to manipulate our life and God. For Elohim will bring judgment on us! (Qoh 12:14) (Note: This article is based on the "Creation theology" approach.)
- Introduction
- I. Leitwort (keyword): Hebrew. hebel
- II. His system of Thought
- A. Created World: Order
- B. Dilemma of Meaning
- C. Celebration of Life: despite of dilemma
- D. The Fear of God: "Heavenly Mandate"
- Conclusion
- Bibliography
- Appendix
- A. Thematic UnityB. Literary Unity:
- Endnote