1.3.2) 啟6:9-11會使我們看得清楚啟示錄的角度:
這段談及為道被殺的人之呼聲。這些人的呼聲好像是失去了,他們唯一的希望是在他們所信的神身上。 但這些呼聲應怎樣解讀呢?
a)有些人對比耶穌在十架上的禱告 (路23:34 『當下耶穌說,父阿,赦免他們•因為他們所作的,他們不曉得•\兵丁/就拈鬮分他的衣服•』
b)或對比司提反的禱告 (徒7:60 『又跪下大聲喊著說,主阿,不要將這罪歸於他們•說了這話就睡了•掃羅也喜悅他被害•』 這不是一般的基督徒禱告。
這呼聲不是一種個人報復的慾望,而是他們信仰的確認(validity of their faith)。這是殉道者所關心的。也就是神的信譽(the reputation of God)。這是求伸冤的禱告。
(對比: 詩79:10; 94:3; 哈 1:2).
[詩 79:10]為何容外邦人說「他們的神在那裡」呢?願你使外邦人知道你在我們眼前伸你僕人流血的冤。
[詩 94:3] 耶和華阿,惡人誇勝要到幾時呢,要到幾時呢?
[哈 1:2] 他說,耶和華阿,我呼求你,你不應允,要到幾時呢•我因強暴哀求你,你還不拯救• 最後的答案在乎神,但祂尚未說甚麼。
(對比啟示文學:伸冤/恢復神的名譽: 以斯拉四書4Ezra 5:21-30; 6:55-59; 巴錄二書2 Bar 14.)
以斯拉四書 4Ezra 5:21-30
[21] And after seven days the thoughts of my heart were very grievous to me again.
[22] Then my soul recovered the spirit of understanding, and I began once more to speak words in the presence of the Most High.
[23] And I said, "O sovereign Lord, from every forest of the earth and from all its trees Thou hast chosen one vine,
[24] and from all the lands of the world Thou hast chosen for thyself one region, and from all the flowers of the world Thou hast chosen for thyself one lily,
[25] and from all the depths of the sea Thou hast filled for thyself one river, and from all the cities that have been built Thou hast consecrated Zion for thyself,
[26] and from all the birds that have been created Thou hast named for thyself one dove, and from all the flocks that have been made Thou hast provided for thyself one sheep,
[27] and from all the multitude of peoples Thou hast gotten for thyself one people; and to this people, whom Thou hast loved, Thou hast given the law which is approved by all.
[28] And now, O Lord, why hast thou given over the one to the many, and dishonored the one root beyond the others, and scattered thine only one among the many?
[29] And those who opposed thy promises have trodden down those who believed thy covenants.
[30] If thou dost really hate thy people, they should be punished at thy own hands."
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分類: Biblestudy, Courses, Revelation, apocalyptics, 啟示文學