Psychologial or physical pressure is always taken as a negative force imposed on human life.
Different methods to reduce pressure are employed by people in all walks of life. It seems that it is a general truth that pressure is bad for us.
On the other hand, people are advised to do more exercise (not overloaded). This advice is in fact adding more pressure on your body in order to force it to eliminate the waste in a higher rate.
For an athlete who wants to upgrade his/her ability, he/she is trying to liftup more weight little by little, rather than reducing them.
Actually, pressure forces us to grow if we can cope with it in a wiser way and see it in a different way.
For Christians who want to reduce pressure, we may meditate on two verses:
Rom 8:28 But we know that to the ones loving God all things work together for good, to the ones being called according to [His] purpose. - There may be a purpose in the difficulties we face: at least we can learn to "upgrade" ourselves.
1Co 10:13 No temptation has taken hold of you*, except a human [one] [or, [one] characteristic of humanity]. But God [is] faithful, who will not allow you* to be tempted beyond what you* are able [or, capable of], _but_ with the temptation He will also make the way out, for your* being able to endure [it].