星期五, 1月 15, 2010





第一個要訣: 倘開心靈

                首先,『倘開心靈(Open my soul)是一個很重要的起步點。





             對聖靈的工作,我本來怕靈恩派所講的聖靈充滿,以致對這個真理也怕了。結果只是靠自己努力來過信徒的生活。羅馬書第七和八章指出這是不能的。在學園傳道會同工訓練中,講解到聖經對聖靈充滿的教導。弗5:18:『不要醉酒,酒能使人放蕩,乃要被聖靈充滿。』我若認自己的罪(約壹1:9),完全依靠聖靈來過活,必然經歷聖靈的更新。這是一個意志上的決定。當我照聖經的應許禱告時,我立刻經歷平安、內心釋然的體驗。雖然不一定有感覺,但我的確更樂於行出神的教導。並且禱告也有力和常蒙垂聽(5:13-18)。持續了一段日子之後,開始發現信徒生活的確如學園傳道會所說是『超自然的生命』(Supernatural Life)。用信心之眼來生活(11:1),所得能力不是筆墨所能形容的。〔註:與部份靈恩派只重視能力和恩賜,而忽生命質素的改變是不同的。〕

第二個要訣: 了解信徒生活的難阻


屬靈問題兩個實例: 自欺 缺乏成長意願(愛心)


                有一位醫生指出精神病人能否被治好,關鍵在於病人本身的『成長意願』。他是否愛自己或愛別人[3]。病人本身沒有愛心,心理精神病不能好。較易治好的神經官能症可能3年而不癒,而較難治的精神病卻可以9個月治好。關鍵是病人是否愛自己有『成長意願』。他認為:『愛是為了心靈成長擴充自我的意願。根據這項定義,真正擁有愛心的人也會不斷的成長。我愈來愈相信,一般人愛的能力和成長意願不僅靠童年時代父母親情的滋養,也靠他們畢生體會的神恩,也就是神的愛給予的滋養。』但為什麼那麼少人聽從神恩的召喚? 又為什麼那麼多人抗拒神恩?


    最深刻的一次是在一個靜修營。首先我要用一段時間安靜自己,進入一個平和的狀態。然後按講者要求默想那些傷害我的人,並且逐一饒恕他們。結果我經歷那種釋放的自由。而且也感到神的能力是偉大的。接著在另一個操練時,講者要求我數算一生中對我有恩的人。我最初想不到有那些人。慢慢當我一直寫下去時,我發現一生有不少人對我有恩,以致『我今日成了何等人、是蒙神的恩纔成的這原不是我、乃是神的恩與我同在。』(林前 15:10)在我認為最人生黑暗的日子�,神也為我安排了幫助我的人。至今我才體到神的愛是何等的深厚,所以我現在才略為領略『我們愛、因為神先愛我們。』(約壹 4:19)我現在學習愛自己和別人。而且時常感神的愛和恩典,是我一生不能回報的!


[1]以上的要點主要參考  懷特卡森醫生著    <<永不疲倦>>,  (台北: 中華基督翻譯中心, 1979)

[2]低谷有多種: 1.犯罪.  2.成長的過程.  3.「心靈黑夜」(dark night of the soul).4.也可以是保衛自己免於某些問題 (defense mechanism). 5.其他因素: a.身体疲乏.  b.期望(Expectation) 落空. c.頓失方向 d.消極思想: 對己 (不勝任感 / 挫敗);對人(發怒)  e.外在危險: 無安全感-->孤單感---> (d + e) x 自憐=低谷。

[3]派克醫生著(M. Scott Peck),《心靈地圖 (The Road Less Traveled) 張定綺譯.(台北市: 天下文代出版, 1991., 242-3
















   即或有大山阻路,有重重巨浪迎面而來﹐但耶和華的手尚未收會。反而這正是神施恩的時候。只要我們堅守神的教導,努力攻取那應許之地。就必經歷神的同在。『我們既有這許多的見證人,如同雲彩圍著我們,就當放下各樣的重擔,脫去容易纏累我們的罪,存心忍耐,奔那擺在我們前頭的路程。』( 12:1)


       若我們一起憑信心「剛強壯膽」,放下憂慮,各自的籌算,一起以神的教會為重。耶穌曾應許:『你們要先求他的國,和他的義。這些東西都要加給你們了。所以不要為明天憂慮!因為明天自有明天的憂慮。一天的難處一天當就夠了。』( 6:33-34)我們回想二十年來,神的恩典何曾少過呢?讓我們一起乘著天父的恩典而努力。廿週年的記念正是追求神恩不斷,信心油然而生的好時候。深盼神天天將得救的人加給我們,而且我們每日經驗到神恩同在。耶穌曾說:『你若能信,在信的人,凡事都能。(9:23)





        《時代論壇》週報曾分別『失業潮下的一杯涼水』及『裁員減薪成潮 商業倫理何在』探討經濟不景下,香港出現令人感到失望的事件。本來生活壓力已高的城市,現在更加添不少壓力感。據週報所述,現時失業問題影響最深的是服務業、飲食業和建築業。但影響各教會基層會友的情況各有不同,有兩成會友失業,有半年也不到工作,也有很快找到工作的。






     使徒保羅更說:『不但如此,就是在患難中,也是歡歡喜喜的•因為知道患難生忍耐•忍耐生老練•老練生盼望•』( 5:3-4)而且,『在指望中要喜樂•在患難中要忍耐•禱告要恆切•』(12:12) 況且,『從前所寫的聖經都是為教訓我們寫的,叫我們因聖經所生的忍耐和安慰,可以得著盼望•』(15:4)






『但願賜忍耐安慰的神,叫你們彼此同心,效法基督耶穌•』( 15:5)






A.     特徵(symptoms): [1]

1)       在「應該」(the ought)的暴君式統治之下。

2)       「壓低自我的價值」(self-depreciation)

3)       「憂慮」(anxiety)

4)       「律法主義」(legalism)

5)       「忿怒」(anger)

6)       「否認」(denial)


B.      可能引起的問題:

1)       Dysthymic disorder:[2] 無能感(feelings of inadequacy)、消極(pessimism)、自憐(self-pity)、經常熱淚盈眶(frequent tearfulness)


C.  解決方法:

1)       經驗神的恩典

2)       治癒以往的傷痕


D.     來源:

1)       父母的要求太高;

2)       角色要求過程: Role-sending in church: [3]

不良的: 害怕, 虛偽, 律法主義

正確的: 整全生命(wholeness), 健康性 (healthiness), 更大的自由。

[1] David A. Seamands, "Perfectionism: Fraught without Fruits or Self-destruction," Christianity Today.  1981 25(7), pp.489-491.

[2] This is mild depressive symptoms most of the time for more than two years. Richard P. Walters, Counseling for Problems of Self-Control. Vol. 11 of Resources for Christian Counseling. Gary R. Collins. gen. ed. (Dallas: Word, 1987), p.152.

[3] Louise and Charles R. Ridley, "Role-Sending," Journal of Psychology and Theology. 1988 16(4), pp.332-339.


My theory and practice of Counseling

My theory and practice of Counseling (我的輔導理論和實踐)


File: my computer:   c:\ET\Spirlife\靈修學\我的輔導理論.doc

Professor : Dr. Kenneth Dale  

Student    : Philip Yim Kwok Hung                 

Date            : 8th July, 1993.      

New revision date: 2010115                       "7 Areas Theory"


I. My theory of Counseling: on human nature

        A. Man is consisted of three parts:

                Spirit, Mind, and Body; but they are mutually related. "7 areas model" is                   described as follows:

                           Spirit Mind                 Body                

                Spirit :   sp. problem   superego /ego    physiological problem -->sp. life   

                Mind  :    -------------    mental illness    id

                Body  :    -------------    ----------------    physical disease

        N.B.: In one area, they are integrated together as a unit. It may be situated at the                      brain. 


  B. Man is developed through stages.

                1. In each stage[1], there are some basic tasks to complete. However, very                             few people can achieve "completely." [2] Therefore counseling is                           needed by everyone, including the healthy people, to face their                            developmental problems.[3]

                2. Socialization & Psychological Fulfillment[4] are some important factors.

                3. Tasks unfulfilled in previous stages will affect the later stages, but                             influence varies; some may be almost "fatal," some may be ignored.                           Absolute equilibrium is impossible, while relatively "good" equilibrium                             is pursued. [5]                      

                4. Holistic growth in all the 7 areas (see I. A.) is needed especially the                            corresponding spiritual aspects of psychological needs. (cf. Maslow's                             triangle.) Man's choice is determined by : mental, emotional, social,                           physical, and spiritual factors.


II. My practice of Counseling

        A. Relation building & Information gathering:

        B. Diagnosis:

        C. Solving the problem together with the client:

        D. Re-defining the problem: New insights reveal the real problem and restrictions             reveal "bestt" possible equilibrium.

        E. Working through: (a co-counselor may be needed.)

        F. Closing the counseling sessions / Referral.

        G. Follow-up  


        A. Relation building & Information gathering:

              1. The client presents his/her problem: present issue & past history.[6]

                a. His present burning issue:

                b. His individual experience:

                    i) The influence of special related past experience: e.g. trauma.                                                  ii) Unconsciousness affects a man's life. (repetition of pattern)

                  iii) Some are unchangeable, but adjustable, e.g. temperament.

                  iv)  Respect and observe his feeling. (Why he has this feeling?)


                c. His family experience: (using Genogram)

                        Family constellation affects one's personality, but not final or                                   unchangeable.[7] Family interaction will affect the client's attitude.[8]


                d. Other experience:

                    i) His relationship with friends, classmates, spouse, children, colleague                               neighbor and relatives, etc.[9] (Concentric circle of relationship) 

                   ii) Other special relationship: e.g. extra-marital affair, corruption,                          spiritual encounter, etc. 


              2. Building Client-Counselor relationship:[10]

                a. Respect the client's self-determination; notice his individualization.

                b. Believe that the man can change his present situation despite  his                      past (though changes may be favorable in some cases).

                c. Try to be as neutral as possible. (uncondemning Vs ethical problem)

                d. Empathy, acceptance, congruence, confidentiality and counselor's                      control of his own emotional response are also important.


        B. Diagnosis:

                Find the connection of  his problems. (related to 7 areas).


        C. Solving the problem together with the client:

                Solve the emergent and important problem. (E.g., a man in debts needs to                         learn how to handle money.) Let him find out the problems and make an                        action plan for this.


        D. Re-defining the problem: New insights reveal the real problem and restrictions             reveal "best" possible equilibrium.

        E. Working through: (a co-counselor may be needed.)

                "A-B-C-S"  Approach[11]                        

        F. Closing the counseling sessions / Referral.

        G. Follow-up  



[1]based on the developmental stage theory.

[2]Imperfect fulfillment is common. cf. IQ. frequency & normal distribution.

[3]See Casework: Theories and Case Illustrations, pp.63-64. Carl Rogers thinks that counseling is not for the client (men ih problems), but also normal person. This is my basic idea too; hence, I emphasize prevention (like Adler).

[4]influenced partly on Adler, Maslow, and Nietzsche (Ubermensch).

[5]Idea from Dr. Kin in his book: The Philosophy of Man (Chinese ed.), p.192f; on the self-feedback system. There is no sure thing as absolute stable stage/equilibrium, hence relatively stable equilibrium is expected. Just like the electrons rest on a certain energy level until they have more/less energy. Or like the "memory metal" which return to a cetain shape when it is heated. This is because the energy level is comparatively "stable", before a higher level of energy seize it.

[6]Point 1-4 learnt from psychoanalysis.

[7]This point is learnt from Adlerian Psychotherapy; esp. the book  "First Born, Second  Born" by Barbara A. Sullivan.

[8]This is suggested by Family Therapy (Family as a system).

[9]This is influenced by Psychosocial Therapy , see Casework: Theories and Case Illustrations, p.5f.

[10]It is influenced by Client-centred Therapy.

[11]It includes:        1.Affectional: Release emotions; learn to settle & control it.

                     2. Behavior   :  Behavior change will cause mental change.

                     3. Cognitive  :  Reason and mind can help a person to adjust his life.

                                           Self-concept is one's own perception of self. It can be                                                               adjusted by reason. [11] 

                     4. Spiritual    :  Inner healing: Spiritual & Psychological

                                            Spiritual direction & formation counseling.[11]


My theory and practice of Counseling (我的輔導理論和實踐)


File: my computer:   c:\ET\Spirlife\靈修學\我的輔導理論.doc

Professor : Dr. Kenneth Dale  

Student    : Philip Yim Kwok Hung                 

Date            : 8th July, 1993.      

New revision date: 2010115                       "7 Areas Theory"


I. My theory of Counseling: on human nature

        A. Man is consisted of three parts:

                Spirit, Mind, and Body; but they are mutually related. "7 areas model" is                   described as follows:

                           Spirit Mind                 Body                

                Spirit :   sp. problem   superego /ego    physiological problem -->sp. life   

                Mind  :    -------------    mental illness    id

                Body  :    -------------    ----------------    physical disease

        N.B.: In one area, they are integrated together as a unit. It may be situated at the                      brain. 


  B. Man is developed through stages.

                1. In each stage[1], there are some basic tasks to complete. However, very                             few people can achieve "completely." [2] Therefore counseling is                           needed by everyone, including the healthy people, to face their                            developmental problems.[3]

                2. Socialization & Psychological Fulfillment[4] are some important factors.

                3. Tasks unfulfilled in previous stages will affect the later stages, but                             influence varies; some may be almost "fatal," some may be ignored.                           Absolute equilibrium is impossible, while relatively "good" equilibrium                             is pursued. [5]                      

                4. Holistic growth in all the 7 areas (see I. A.) is needed especially the                            corresponding spiritual aspects of psychological needs. (cf. Maslow's                             triangle.) Man's choice is determined by : mental, emotional, social,                           physical, and spiritual factors.


II. My practice of Counseling

        A. Relation building & Information gathering:

        B. Diagnosis:

        C. Solving the problem together with the client:

        D. Re-defining the problem: New insights reveal the real problem and restrictions             reveal "bestt" possible equilibrium.

        E. Working through: (a co-counselor may be needed.)

        F. Closing the counseling sessions / Referral.

        G. Follow-up  


        A. Relation building & Information gathering:

              1. The client presents his/her problem: present issue & past history.[6]

                a. His present burning issue:

                b. His individual experience:

                    i) The influence of special related past experience: e.g. trauma.                                                  ii) Unconsciousness affects a man's life. (repetition of pattern)

                  iii) Some are unchangeable, but adjustable, e.g. temperament.

                  iv)  Respect and observe his feeling. (Why he has this feeling?)


                c. His family experience: (using Genogram)

                        Family constellation affects one's personality, but not final or                                   unchangeable.[7] Family interaction will affect the client's attitude.[8]


                d. Other experience:

                    i) His relationship with friends, classmates, spouse, children, colleague                               neighbor and relatives, etc.[9] (Concentric circle of relationship) 

                   ii) Other special relationship: e.g. extra-marital affair, corruption,                          spiritual encounter, etc. 


              2. Building Client-Counselor relationship:[10]

                a. Respect the client's self-determination; notice his individualization.

                b. Believe that the man can change his present situation despite  his                      past (though changes may be favorable in some cases).

                c. Try to be as neutral as possible. (uncondemning Vs ethical problem)

                d. Empathy, acceptance, congruence, confidentiality and counselor's                      control of his own emotional response are also important.


        B. Diagnosis:

                Find the connection of  his problems. (related to 7 areas).


        C. Solving the problem together with the client:

                Solve the emergent and important problem. (E.g., a man in debts needs to                         learn how to handle money.) Let him find out the problems and make an                        action plan for this.


        D. Re-defining the problem: New insights reveal the real problem and restrictions             reveal "best" possible equilibrium.

        E. Working through: (a co-counselor may be needed.)

                "A-B-C-S"  Approach[11]                        

        F. Closing the counseling sessions / Referral.

        G. Follow-up  



[1]based on the developmental stage theory.

[2]Imperfect fulfillment is common. cf. IQ. frequency & normal distribution.

[3]See Casework: Theories and Case Illustrations, pp.63-64. Carl Rogers thinks that counseling is not for the client (men ih problems), but also normal person. This is my basic idea too; hence, I emphasize prevention (like Adler).

[4]influenced partly on Adler, Maslow, and Nietzsche (Ubermensch).

[5]Idea from Dr. Kin in his book: The Philosophy of Man (Chinese ed.), p.192f; on the self-feedback system. There is no sure thing as absolute stable stage/equilibrium, hence relatively stable equilibrium is expected. Just like the electrons rest on a certain energy level until they have more/less energy. Or like the "memory metal" which return to a cetain shape when it is heated. This is because the energy level is comparatively "stable", before a higher level of energy seize it.

[6]Point 1-4 learnt from psychoanalysis.

[7]This point is learnt from Adlerian Psychotherapy; esp. the book  "First Born, Second  Born" by Barbara A. Sullivan.

[8]This is suggested by Family Therapy (Family as a system).

[9]This is influenced by Psychosocial Therapy , see Casework: Theories and Case Illustrations, p.5f.

[10]It is influenced by Client-centred Therapy.

[11]It includes:        1.Affectional: Release emotions; learn to settle & control it.

                     2. Behavior   :  Behavior change will cause mental change.

                     3. Cognitive  :  Reason and mind can help a person to adjust his life.

                                           Self-concept is one's own perception of self. It can be                                                               adjusted by reason. [11] 

                     4. Spiritual    :  Inner healing: Spiritual & Psychological

                                            Spiritual direction & formation counseling.[11]