羅馬書1:1-18作為全書的解釋鑰匙 (Romans 1:1-18 as an interpreting key to the whole book)
羅1:16-17多年來皆被視為全書主題; 但如果加上1:18; 可以發現這節原本是與1:17成為一個對比; 是不可分的一部份. 而且全書皆有一個平衡的對比.
The purposes for Paul writing the Epistle to the Romans are many. The main concern is on his mission to Spain. He hopes to prevent adverse opponents from influencing the Roman Christians and helps them to unify the Christians groups in Romans. The structure of Romans is related to chapter 1. Its theological linkage is based on the importance of Jewish tradition, the Righteousness of God and His wrath. I propose that Paul may have used a "transfer" model to describe the two epochs. This model has unified the whole picture of Romans. The Jews who are using the method of the old epoch are still under the wrath of God. If they join the Gentile Christians who enjoy the new way in the new epoch, then they will have fellowship with each other. The evangelism toward the Jews outside the Roman Christian community is a must which is resolved in Romans 14-15.
Outline of the thesis: http://philipyim.0catch.com/Pastor/NT/Thesis-outline1.htm
Full-Text: http://philipyim.0catch.com/Pastor/NT/Roman1_asKey2.htm
Classification: Biblestudy, Romans, Epistle, Pauline Studies.