星期五, 3月 31, 2006

World Change

How does the World change?

I have just read an article on "The magnetic reconnection in the plasma in the Solar System." In these kind of magnetic field, even at the point of zero field strength; there may be a sudden reconnection of the magnetic lines and create a immediate burst of high energy in form of heat or kinetic energy of the particles involved and/or strong magnetic flux and field changes.

Together with the book "doomday" and many previously read articles, these "trigger" me to re-think the so-called gradualism or stable universe assumption we (or only I) hold for a long long time. It seems that the real picture is an unstable flow of events or energy is the norm, plus a sudden outburst of energy flow which usually creates catatrophe to the previous state.

This pictures best-fit the statistical description of our daily life, e.g. a production line. Products are monitored to be kept within a range of "satisfactory standard." In simple term, the standard derivation from the "mean" or desired standard.

It means life is full of unstabilities and uncertainties. It is not stable as we wish. It is never perfect as we hope. Even a perfect couple can break off due to a sudden outbrust of negative emotions (e.g. anger.) Of course, in real life, we can use our endurance to "cover" or mend this. But we can never be sure that it will work all the time. Men err, and errors rule.

Entrope rises, not decrease only if we input some form of control or energy to re-direct it. Thus, in real life, Life is full of heart-break, restlessness and doubts (as one hymn told us.)

Besides, men degrade if we don't change with clear intention. It is why can see many times good Christians or pastors turn out to be weak Christians or even faithless believers, or some devil-like creatures.

星期日, 3月 26, 2006

Changing Light Speed

Changing Light Speed

Subject: Theoretical Physics, Astronomy, Science, SuperString Theory,

It is well-known that Light Speed is constant throughout the time and the Universe. The maximum speed in the Earth is Light Speed. But there are evidences building up to destroy this 'faith'.
1) In the Universe, there are some fluxes moving faster than Light speed.
2) A research shows that there is a possibility that the Light Speed is not constant in the Universe.

Why does Light Speed keep constant and the maximum speed in the Earth?
Would it be possible that it is the 'dimensional limit' of our observed Universe? It is also the threshold to other dimensions?

F-theory tries to add one more dimensions to time (Two dimensions from time). It would be possible that the 'time dimensions' are the key to the secret of the Universe. I propose that following model to interpret these phenomena.
1) There are 4 dimensions observed by us. I propose that this is the basic unit observable by us if we cannot pass through the time threshold.
2) The condition to pass through the threshold lies in the speed achieved and the total energy level in the ‘particles’.
3) We use Sx+Tx to denote Space + Time. If time has three dimensions like a cube, then we have (Sx+Tx) + (Sy+Ty) + (Sz+Tz) as a unit.

星期四, 3月 09, 2006


引言: 歷史本質的問題 和 我們 “玩歷史遊戲” (history as game, philosophically)的體驗.

從體驗出發, 對於歷史現代人看到以下的觀點和作法:

觀點:- 歷史史實就是可靠真實的, 歷史未試證不可信, 歷史部份可信, 歷史是由人論述必有觀點(不是全對或全錯的問題).

作法:- 考證, 考古, 歷史小說, 歷史“故事”, 作文(c.f.生菓報新聞作文), 小說式歷史, 有歷史背景的電視劇. 例如: 楚漢xx, 大漢天子(他的叔叔在武帝就任前已死), 康熙xx(x珠格格, 格格在清代沒有地位, 只是政治棋子.) 不少的清朝劇的背景亂說的. 紀xx的地位與和申沒法相比, 早就被他害到被貶官到外地.

1) 歷史是有人為了某些目的, 寫下來的. History as told
有史料 + 目的 + 選擇過程 --> 對象.
在現代人看來, 史料只是證據(evidence). 必須經過一個過程 顯現出來.

2) 參量子論的看法, 任何觀察必參與系統, 也就是沒有獨立而不受觀察影響的系統. 更何況歷史必須有選料和論證(加上信心)呢? 對比: 特殊相對論, 觀察者的相對速度也會影響觀察的結果. à沒有對絕對客觀實存的歷史(absolutely independent existed history), 觀察的角度是有影響的. 不要忘記歷史是由人論述的以往的故事. 例如: 小孩相爭.

3) 有 “改史”以就目的, 孔子作春秋, 亂臣賊子懼. 例: 周王見霸主為獵. 但聖經作者在這裏做得比較好.

4) 歷史可能是collective subjectivity with strong evidences. It may include paradigm shift. 中史以為女主為禍是近代的事. 自漢至清約2300年, 女主564年![1]

[1] <<性別學與婦女研究>>, 頁200.

星期六, 3月 04, 2006

Psychological pressure as a way to grow?

Psychologial or physical pressure is always taken as a negative force imposed on human life.
Different methods to reduce pressure are employed by people in all walks of life. It seems that it is a general truth that pressure is bad for us.

On the other hand, people are advised to do more exercise (not overloaded). This advice is in fact adding more pressure on your body in order to force it to eliminate the waste in a higher rate.

For an athlete who wants to upgrade his/her ability, he/she is trying to liftup more weight little by little, rather than reducing them.

Actually, pressure forces us to grow if we can cope with it in a wiser way and see it in a different way.

For Christians who want to reduce pressure, we may meditate on two verses:

Rom 8:28 But we know that to the ones loving God all things work together for good, to the ones being called according to [His] purpose. - There may be a purpose in the difficulties we face: at least we can learn to "upgrade" ourselves.

1Co 10:13 No temptation has taken hold of you*, except a human [one] [or, [one] characteristic of humanity]. But God [is] faithful, who will not allow you* to be tempted beyond what you* are able [or, capable of], _but_ with the temptation He will also make the way out, for your* being able to endure [it].




當然一直以來的史家皆壓低女性的功績.例如:武則天當政時,就被史家寫得十分差.有誰會知道她作皇帝時,起用了不少賢臣名將,以致國強兵足.甚至於長壽元年(692)十用, 奪回被吐蕃佔有的安西四鎮.

星期五, 3月 03, 2006

Acupunture and Emotions

Though it is expressed in "the Emperor's Internal Book" that emotions are related to the Meridians and we can use the related Meridians or even emotions to adjust "bad emotions"; it is seldom applied in the psychotherapy until the advent of Thought Field Therapy (TFT).

Upon a brief analysis on the acupunture points used in this method, I have found that most of them are the "beginning" or "end" points of the related Meridians.
But the following differences are found:

1. There are still no final agreement on the relationship between these emotions and the Meridians. Besides the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) seldom formulate the treatment according to these relationship. How the TFT found the relationship may be an interesting subject.

2. TFT is not yet totally successful. I have checked the "the Emperor's Internal Book" and found more insights on the treatment methods. I will post them later. Some of them may be too specialized and must at least have some basic TCM knowledge before one can grasp the meaning.

More to come.

Where are the four ancient cultures? Between...

Today when I was looking at the historical map of the World, I found that all these cultures (3000 -1500 B.C.) lay between longitude 20 -40.
Even the later developments are related to these too.
Of course, later it is extended to 60.

In contra to the prayer map for the Muslims (between long. 20-40, if I remember correctly.), it seems that these longitudes are very important for the human living.
Further analysis must be done before a verdict is made.